Tag Archives: Foundation

A helping hand gives HOPE!

“We choose hope over fear. We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort. We reject fatalism or cynicism when it comes to human affairs; we choose to work for the world as it should be, as our children deserve it to be.” 

– President Obama to the United Nations General Assembly, September 24, 2014


It was World Refugee Day on 17 June 2017 and that we could not let this go by unnoticed as millions of people in the world today live in despair, anxiety, fear and under persecution we aim to offer a glimmer of hope.

FiveTru Foundation (5TF)  is an entirely not-for-profit organisation from top down everyone is involved in humanitarian efforts, disaster relief, education, health, child care or even if it is just food and shelter.

5TF is still in its infancy so we are working very hard to keep you in the loop with ongoing projects and news. Therefore we would like to give you an impression of our beliefs here below.

Pledging Support
Primary support originates from FiveTru Corp, committed to a pledge to donate 10% of all its profits to the foundation supporting social initiatives, community projects and educational programmes. We collaborate with enterprises that we care about and wholeheartedly support. For example, today we must spare a thought for these people who became refugees through no fault of their own. Everybody needs help from time to time and deserves a chance, sometimes a second chance. Especially children who are the future of this planet. They can’t and should not be judged by our actions, wouldn’t you agree?

What will this foundation look like?
Well, our main goal is to grow our own capabilities within the company staying committed to our funding pledge for the foundation. In addition, public fundraising and fundraiser events are also a method for us to gather the means to help others with. Involving the community, family and friends goes a long way too so help us and spread the word.

Ultimately our most valuable asset is you. The volunteers, the workers, the campaigners and the donors. We are keen to share our vision with you to create a fair and open approach to help the underprivileged. At the foundation we do not discriminate on any grounds including, religion, orientation, gender and age.

All are welcome!!

Okay, so what is this vision of 5TF?

We believe that help should be available to all in a fast and secure way without judgement. Many are always left in limbo between eligibility and availability which causes great distress. We intend to remove the burden of bureaucracy and put the people first. Unlike other organisations we believe in less talk more action. Humanity first!

Help us make a difference one little step at a time. We dedicate the majority of our collections to our good causes. No pay structures or bonuses for fat cat directors, all we do is ensure running costs are maintained and our world continues to benefit greatly whereby funds can be used for existing projects but also for new projects. Makes sense right? Do you have a cause that is close to you? A purpose close to your heart? Also get in touch because we believe that the foundation is of the people, for the people and by the people. That includes your comments, suggestions and ideas.

We will launch a 5TF platform showcasing pictures, video’s and blog’s to keep you updated and involved. We pursue closer links to society and we think you are going to love it. We do. WE LOVE, WE CARE! Remember it and spread that slogan who knows who you might help! 

Written by: Staff